The IMM recommends that the Government:

98. Adopt the disability-related recommendations of Whakamana Tāngata, the report of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group. The IMM endorses the report’s stated purpose for a welfare system and encourages the holistic implementation of all recommendations as a matter of urgency, but specifically the following recommendations relating to housing availability and affordability, and income adequacy:17

a. Increase, as soon as possible, overall income support to levels adequate for meaningful participation in the community, as defined by the minimum income standard (which reflects different family circumstances, for example, children, disabilities and regional area) and maintain this level of support through appropriate indexation. b. Urgently expand and accelerate Government efforts to substantially increase public housing on an industrial scale and continue urgent efforts to end homelessness.

c. Increase the range of home ownership and tenure options for people on low and low–middle incomes.36

d. Increase the capacity of third-sector community-based housing providers.

e. Develop and enact laws and regulations to ensure healthy homes and housing security, decent standards of housing quality, universal design, and accessibility.

f. Subsidise housing costs for people on low incomes (in addition to raising main benefit rates to provide an adequate income) and ensure the combination of changes to housing support and abatement rates make households better off.

g. Improve access to affordable, suitable housing support for people on low and low–middle incomes, including a range of affordable home-ownership products and papakāinga housing.

h. Improve the health and wellbeing of people with health conditions and disabilities, along with carers of people with health conditions and disabilities who interact with the welfare system by:

• providing financial support that is adequate to live a life with dignity and is equitable across the social sector

• implementing evidence-based approaches to support engagement in good, suitable work and the community where this is possible

• implementing strategies to prevent work-limiting health conditions and disabilities.

i. Include in the scope of the New Zealand Health and Disability System Review the relationship between the health and disability system and the accident compensation scheme and how the relationship between these and the welfare system could be changed to improve outcomes for people with health conditions and disabilities and carers.