The IMM recommends that the Government:

72. Ensure disabled people’s whānau receive financial and other supports necessary to care for their children including, but not limited to, assistance at home, accessible parenting courses, and access to communication support including New Zealand Sign Language interpreters.

73. Ensure disabled children’s right to remain in the family home is protected through the provision of financial and other support to their families;

74. Provide to the IMM evidence that confirms that no children are being uplifted from a home situation solely on the basis of disability of any member of the family or whānau, or because of inadequate support;

75. Review the Adoption Act 1955 to ensure conformity with the Disability Convention. In particular, act without delay on earlier IMM recommendations to review sections 8 and 11 of the Adoption Act to prohibit adoptions being made on the basis of disability alone or without consent of the parent.

76. Ensure that court personnel and those furnishing reports to them are provided with training about disability rights and the Disability Convention, to ensure a human rights approach is adhered to