Year one activities

The things we’re committed to doing over the next 12 months, to help direct our work and targeted actions for the next 2 years.

Work alongside national and regional partners to complete a stocktake of the places and spaces to be active in Hawke’s Bay. Including:

  • All playgrounds from CHB to Wairoa
  • Walkways and Cycleways across the region (including limestone tracks)
  • Public sports and aquatics facilities
  • Commercial Gym facilities
  • Beaches and Rivers
  • Sports Clubs and the opportunities they provide for disabled people

With this information:

  • A set of recommendations to improve accessibility will be developed to advocate for change.
  • We will investigate an appropriate platform for the information to be available for the community to increase awareness of accessible places and spaces.

Relationship Building:

Building stronger relationships with our disabled community and tangata whaikaha (Māori with disabilities) to better understand the actions we can implement to improve experiences in play, active recreation, and sport to provide a specific set of community-driven recommendations.

Collaborate with organisations and disabled people to co-design and pilot an initiative to improve transport opportunities for disabled people.

Education and increasing capability:

Facilitate and deliver connectivity, disability awareness and education opportunities for:

  • Education providers (mainstream and special education schools)
  • Sport and Recreation providers
  • Disability sport providers and clubs
  • Community recreation facility staff
  • Volunteers

To come together from across the region to share, collaborate, learn from each other and to upskill on creating quality opportunities for disabled people in play, active recreation, and sport.


  • Leverage existing Sport Hawke’s Bay funding to increase the opportunities for disabled people to be active.
  • Promote the importance of supporting opportunities that can increase participation for all disabled people to local funders.