The IMM recommends that the Government:

67. Conduct an audit and/or situational analysis of disabled people’s experiences with privacy and information sharing

68. Instruct all state sector agencies to ensure that any personal information they gather or hold about disabled people is secure, accessible and constitutes the least amount of intrusion necessary.

69. Ensure public sector agencies and service providers understand their responsibilities under the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code, and be required to demonstrate they have robust training and privacy policies in place in order to receive government funding—particularly in cases where services are outsourced to third parties. This should include improved complaints procedures, and assurances that information provided to complainants will be sent in accessible formats.

70. Instruct public sector agencies to provide all official documents in accessible formats, with the option to complete them online, using New Zealand Sign Language, or with the assistance of appropriately trained staf

71. Ensure that the amount of medical data that disabled people are required to provide in order to access services and supports is reviewed and reconciled with a view to reducing repetition, only obtaining necessary information, and ensuring secure data-sharing mechanisms are in place.